When Love Breaks | Teen Ink

When Love Breaks

November 13, 2012
By Rylee Crockett BRONZE, DeKalb, Missouri
Rylee Crockett BRONZE, DeKalb, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Love is like swallowing a porcupine.
When it breaks, you want to tear out your heart.
They ask how you are; you tell them you’re fine.
You act like you happy, you think your smart.
They know what you’re doing and how you feel.
Always pretending to enjoy the day;
But at night, by your small bed, when you kneel
Praying you didn’t have to live and stay
Here on the earth, not knowing what to do!
You’re sad now, but in the end you’ll be fine.
You will be happy and as good as new.
Out of the darkness and ready to shine;
Ready to explore, ready to mingle,
And once again you will feel the tingle.

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