a dime a dozen | Teen Ink

a dime a dozen

November 23, 2012
By Anonymous

There's no such an expensive thing
Everything is a dime a dozen
A stranger controls my life
Who's not my brother who's not even my cousin!
There are a lot of concessions
People own someone else's possessions
Gentry face us with indiscretion
Money to them became obsession
They suppress our expressions
That what got the people into depression
That what got our communities into recession
They hold the people back for their progression
The people's fate in their hand and they keep their meetings in secessions
And you'll never find someone to disagree
They key in our hand and it's thrown under the sea
The people frightened to face the inequality
Every rebellion considered frivolity
They cheat they steal hiding behind policy
They participate in charity and they have no concept for mercy
They invades all the breaking news
They're mistaken and they claim they're here to amuse
And we all know the truth
With their souls weapons they're killing our youth
We swim in our remorse blood
Pretending the strength fighting with the voice of the thud
And we're living in the disorder flood
With this spirit we're doomed
Because we'll never find the light we'll stay in the gloom
Men who sold their dignity
To rascals who play with our nations
But we'll never change anything if we live with hesitation
I just ask you to be patient
Because with all their weapons and all our traitors
With our motive we'll assassinate our curator

The author's comments:
I just felt it at that particular moment and I wrote it....it's about all the people who think that they have some divine right to control others whether it's in school,family etc.

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