Haiti | Teen Ink


December 13, 2012
By Anonymous

Toward the gray bus the young children run./Their brown eyes open wide and arms held out/
tear stained cheeks and exasperated lungs/begging for money they begin to shout

The baby’s small hand clings to my finger/as I rock her to sleep on the front porch./My heart aches, kids nearby watch and linger;/ their need for attention burns like a torch.

The people stand gathered outside of their huts;/buckets in hand to receive fresh water./The kids help carry with feet full of cuts,/ thirsty and worn like lambs to be slaughtered.

Still their joyful hearts sing out in worship;/praising the Lord amidst all their hardship.

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this piece after a trip I went on to Port Au Prince, Haiti. The trip shifted my perspective of the less fortunate because I understood that they were full of imperishable things such as joy and hope.

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