A Bereaved Countenance | Teen Ink

A Bereaved Countenance

December 22, 2012
By OliviaAnne BRONZE, Livonia, Michigan
OliviaAnne BRONZE, Livonia, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none." -William Shakespeare

Shall I begin to speak to you today?
You look sad and alone and very meek,
I have not heard your laughter this whole week
It seems you think you’ll never be okay.
Why do you hide what you wish to allay?
Be not afraid of you I will critique,
I’d never think you’d fear you will misspeak
I wish to lift your heart from its dismay.
I see you and already I can tell
You wish to speak your mind but don’t know how,
You open up your mouth and say the words
Your tale runs through my mind clear as a bell,
Your life makes sense to me as it is now
I sit amazed and ponder what I heard.

The author's comments:
The events that strike the human core in the deepest ways are often the very things which are hardest to talk about. This poem is something most people can relate to because every human experiences tragedy at some point in his life, and that can stay with one for an entire lifetime.

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