A Change in Tides | Teen Ink

A Change in Tides

January 12, 2013
By Aly Bainbridge BRONZE, Barrington, Illinois
Aly Bainbridge BRONZE, Barrington, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The world evaporates as my mind drifts.

You are my anchor, keeping me secure.

I catch your subtle smile and my heart lifts.

You welcome me although I lived impure.

The road ahead is now no longer steep.

No one can dampen time we spend alone

You share with me the secret that you keep

The final wind of our journey has blown.

But as my anchor, you now hold me back.

You blind me with a flood of flattery

This falsely perfect dream is an attack.

Now overboard with this discovery

All hope now falls, along with this last tear.

My capsized heart now guides me where to steer.

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