Sock Game | Teen Ink

Sock Game

January 14, 2013
By This_Ugly_Kid_Jerry BRONZE, Fuquay Varina, North Carolina
This_Ugly_Kid_Jerry BRONZE, Fuquay Varina, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don&#039;t flaunt it if you&#039;re not gonna give it up<br /> ~Fin

Nike, Adidas, King James’, Jordan’s:
Come in all types of styles and colors
Adidas and Nikes, Mr. Gordon.
I get them a lot but not like McCullers

Nike elite, Adidas speeds, I wear
Extra padding makes walking amazing
Even if I lose a pair I have spares
A lot of people hating, that isn’t phasing

They feel amazing, they feel amazing
Jordan’s are some of the freshest socks ever
I put people on skates the ground I am glazing
Will I get rid of them of them? I say never

You say they cost too much, a waste of time?
Don’t get mad because your socks aren't like mine

The author's comments:
It's mad cool and fun so enjoy :D.

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