Sorrow | Teen Ink


January 22, 2013
By arely12893 BRONZE, North Chicago, Illinois
arely12893 BRONZE, North Chicago, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't judge someone by what they do, judge them by what they do after.

Walking after school in the rain
Another day filled with sorrow
Every rain drop filled with pain
I just don’t look forward to tomorrow

Classmates laughing and having fun
They all look at me pointing their finger
All I want to do is turn around and run
Do nothing but linger

I feel like I’m trapped behind a mask
Just waiting to burst out and tell the truth
Living everyday like if it was a task
Having something to prove

One day I will say what’s on my mind
That day can be today, tomorrow, anytime

The author's comments:
For those who are still afraid for their voice to be heard.

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