Live On | Teen Ink

Live On

February 26, 2013
By Taylor Eldridge BRONZE, Grants Pass, Oregon
Taylor Eldridge BRONZE, Grants Pass, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Bones grow old and start to wither away,
The mind weakens as death knocks on the door,
No matter how much we wish they could stay,
Tears roll down our eyes and then hit the floor.
We know the love we shared will never leave,
Because their spirit will live on always,
Regardless the time it takes to conceive,
We resurface out of the foggy haze.
Hearts break, and then mend together with time,
To love and lose is the main part of life,
So many hearts stop on that final chime,
However, we live on, through all the strife.
Push on, and be strong, you will survive death,
Look up, and take a minute, cherish breathe.

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