Reuniting of Lovers | Teen Ink

Reuniting of Lovers

April 9, 2013
By Shannon Dunleavy BRONZE, Jamison, Pennsylvania
Shannon Dunleavy BRONZE, Jamison, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The woman stands alone in the darkness
or so it seems; there is someone lurking
beyond the door. Her sweet embrace, reckless
he takes, and she gladly returns, smirking.
Oh, lovers gladly reunited at
last, parting shall never take place again!
Yet he wonders why she left him like that...
Did secretly she dream of other men?
She turns, and parts with a single kiss from
her scarlet lips, putting at rest his fears.
He trusts her with his life, yet there are some
who take advantage of a lady's tears.
A silver glint, seen in his hand, a blade
now in her back. The pain is now repaid.

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