Limitations | Teen Ink


April 23, 2013
By xDaydreamer BRONZE, Glendale, California
xDaydreamer BRONZE, Glendale, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Imprisonment, though it may not seem so
Trapped by walls and words I find so senseless
I think, “When will I leave, when will I go?”
When will I experience what leaves me breathless?

I just want to live the life I dream of
A life of music and beautiful song
Full of excitement, adventure, and love
I want to be happy, is that so wrong?

Apparently it is, for I’m still trapped
Stuck in a world which I can’t yet explore
Within the walls, I escaped through a crack
Surrounded myself with things I adore

Sadly, it was just a wonderful dream
There’s still so much out there I have not seen

The author's comments:
I enjoy school, I really do, but sometimes it's a burden. There are days where I am just so tired of it, but I have no choice but to put up with it. School is takes up so much of my daily life and I hate that because I hardly ever have time to myself to do the things I enjoy doing. This is exactly what the poem is about. However, it is open to interpretation, of course.

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