Comfort Coffee | Teen Ink

Comfort Coffee

May 1, 2013
By RasikJ BRONZE, Austin, Texas
RasikJ BRONZE, Austin, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Don&#039;t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.&quot;<br /> -Robert L. Stevenson

The sweet chocolate lingers above
the trees
Reach in the sky to collect these brown beans
Something sweeter than golden honey bees
A popular treat among many young teens

Goes down smooth as it warms a beating heart
Brew you cup well and make it steaming hot
Drink it in the morning for a kick start
For a big punch add an espresso shot

Add milk and sugar for a grand lovely taste
Enjoy a layer of whipped cream on top
Savor every sip and do not let it waste
Walk into Starbucks and buy at the shop

Now I have to go and drink my coffee
I sometimes take a bite of cold toffee

The author's comments:
The inspiration in this piece comes from one of my Starbucks experiences. It allowed me to re-discover the amazing world of coffee that I am now in love with. I hope coffee can comfort others as it did for me.

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