A Fairytale | Teen Ink

A Fairytale

May 7, 2013
By 98_NJA BRONZE, Colordo Springs Colorado, Colorado
98_NJA BRONZE, Colordo Springs Colorado, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When I take a deep breath into the air;
I start to etch your name into my heart,
As I see you face I can’t help but stare,
Let’s make a fairytale, I’ll let you start:

We can be Romeo and Juliet,

You can throw rocks at my window at night:

We can get away and fly in a jet,

We could the see all the beautiful sights,
Or we can just sneak out and run away-
Never see the light, we could start brand new
We would never have to go back and stay.
Stay with me forever, I do love you-

Wouldn’t it be just the perfect crime?

If I stole your heart, and then you stole mine?

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