War with my heart | Teen Ink

War with my heart

May 7, 2013
By Anonymous

Take all I have, just do not start a war.
Stay, and be the cause of my greater grief.
All I am is yours, have it all and more.
Our world crumbles around us, a dead leaf.
Life goes on but Earth is dark and ends soon,
It seems as if we might as well de dead.
I have only loved you, right as noon,
Yet you start fight with me, mess with my head.
You kill me, wreck my heart like no one else,
Start a war with my heart, ruin me. Gone
Am I, my essence, never another’s.
Jealous, you steal what is not yours. A con.
Passionate with your wrongs, take all in sight.
You are my foe, so then take all my might.

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