sonnet toner | Teen Ink

sonnet toner

May 31, 2013
By ben toner BRONZE, Nooksack, Washington
ben toner BRONZE, Nooksack, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Hello oh’ father, oh’ father of mine
You have allowd twenty kids your name,

Oh how you always would spank our behine’
There was always one kid of yours to blame

Mother allow’d you these kids in order
To keep the house and yard clean ‘cause shes shy
You decided to live near the border
With twenty kids People asked you why?

They all love you, you followed His word
Went forth and multiplied, oh twenty kids
You never wish you had less, you would get bor’d
All the kids for fun would bet and place bids

We love you to death and back again many times
Even though you hate when people write rhymes

The author's comments:
this is my peice about my father

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