Crown | Teen Ink


August 12, 2013
By Meldarion BRONZE, Beijing, Other
Meldarion BRONZE, Beijing, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A wakeful morning - animals stirring,
All life about the spread and sound of falls,
A country land of dreamy morning calls,
In branches lies a predator with wings
Of all he rules except himself as king.
He hunts the fowl the hares and other thralls
He coasts above the clouds and squalls,
In day he rules as king aloft of spring

The land below is but his keep,
In years all passed his nest has riddled hask,
And beating wings become a weary task,
He dons his courage last and makes his leap.
His cry he left alone inside his cask,
All watch his last ascent and weep

The author's comments:
I wrote this out of my love of nature and a view of the people-government relationship I get to observe in China, but there were other views I tried to thread within the poem. I hope people will see what I see and more.

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