Castle in the Sky | Teen Ink

Castle in the Sky

September 2, 2013
By Sam Bradford BRONZE, Elburn, Illinois
Sam Bradford BRONZE, Elburn, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

there is nothing to do but to sit in this room.
as the smell of fresh air goes in threw my nose.
with peaceful music played by a loom.
pretty and delicate, sweet like a rose.
clear skies, the sun shines so bright.
the grass is so green and looks so nice.
it comes to an end when in to the night.
so dark and sleek just like black ice.
its peaceful and quiet nothing to be herd.
the moon shines all night till the return of the sun.
so early so quick, tweet goes the early bird.
and then starts the next, time for me to run.
the day just floats on by.
at the castle in the sky.

The author's comments:
i wrote this for and English project that also required me to publish the poem on this website. that is all. Tah-Tah for now

-Wise Owl.

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