Dark Red | Teen Ink

Dark Red

October 29, 2013
By Otaku_Bibliophile BRONZE, El Cerrito, California
Otaku_Bibliophile BRONZE, El Cerrito, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Hard question. "You were born an original, Don't die a copy" - Dr. Seuss

I have an apple in my lovely hands
It is as dark, as white is to me
To compare it, I swing it around, Whee!
Oops! There it goes! Rolling into the lands!
The lands are filthy, filled with poisonous brands
Oh my! Should I just let the apples be?
I think I’ll just- I’m falling! Eeee!
Holding a branch, I grab the apple with brands

Oh, what shall I do? The apples is poisonous
What shall I do? Shall I eat it myself?
I shall! For what if a friend falls upon this?
Oh, here they come! Can I relieve them--selves?
Hurry! I shall eat this defiled substance
Great! My friends are safe now. They will surely miss.......

The author's comments:
My very first sonnet.

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