Romeo and Rosaline: A Different Dimension | Teen Ink

Romeo and Rosaline: A Different Dimension

November 7, 2013
By puremagic BRONZE, Baltimore, Maryland
puremagic BRONZE, Baltimore, Maryland
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you live to be 100, I hope I live to be 100 minus 1 day, so I never have to live without you. <br /> ~Winnie The Pooh

‘Tis of the Capulets that she belongs;

Fair Rosaline, pure as a drop of dew

Lovely and young, it is for her I long,

Her apathy for me does yet ring true.

An ancient feud doth our houses divide;

Any chance to fight we would never miss

For Rosaline although my own heart cried,

‘Twas she denying me a love’s true bliss.

An unrequited love was turned to sorrow;

Thus my heart was an empty, icy vault.

She and I do not share a tomorrow,

And this thought was more a wound fresh with salt.

So I attend the ball of Capulets

To forget the love for whom my heart frets.

The author's comments:
This sonnet is about Romeo's love for Rosaline. If it were not for this love, he never would have found Juliet.

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