Free Fall | Teen Ink

Free Fall

March 2, 2014
By Brianne McGill BRONZE, Knoxville, Tennessee
Brianne McGill BRONZE, Knoxville, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The raven’s wings are spread and set to soar,
No bound’ries can contain his course of flight.
And freedom’s grasp will make him ache for more,
But soon he falls just like a broken kite.

The wind is streaming through the sea of leaves,
With no remorse it runs with no set path.
Unfettered it doth go where it may please,
Although destruction lies within its wrath.

The ocean, full of life, sings peaceful songs,
Its waves spread like a quilt across the shore.
And here enslaving chains do not belong,
But dive too deep, she’ll cut you to the core.

Cause freedom is a wild and precious thing,
But taste too much and ruin it will bring.

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