Shall I Compare Thee to a Budding Rose | Teen Ink

Shall I Compare Thee to a Budding Rose

March 30, 2014
By manofsteel900 BRONZE, Camas, Washington
manofsteel900 BRONZE, Camas, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
He who glances back on the past, stumbles forward on the future.

Shall I compare thee to a budding rose?
Nay, for not even it’s delicate petals,
can express thy captivating beauty.
For you bring my soul pure serenity.
But oh how soft thy rosy cheeks,
cannot parallel to the richness of thy
crimson lips. Nay, I say, for
the sun, though it’s glorious light,
doth not shine on that charming
flower, But in whole gazes upon
thy fair skin. This earth, in it’s entirety,
doth not balance to your brightness.
Need I account for the miracles.
Need I compare thee to a budding rose?

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