Hearts Combine | Teen Ink

Hearts Combine

April 2, 2014
By jwescott7 BRONZE, Delta, Pennsylvania
jwescott7 BRONZE, Delta, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Hearts Combine by the heavenly divine
The sigh of angels who gaze upon us
Holy Spirit come down here and refine
our love that is not just a simple lust

The moon light dances upon your smooth skin
Painting pictures of nymphs and happy sprites
Each day and night I fall in love again
Every time you smile I know this is right

Dearest love don’t ever leave me alone
Don’t go away and hide yourself from me
You are my light in this world that has shown
Me the way, you fill my cup full of glee
Every time those brown eyes look into mine
My eternal being lights up and shines

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