Professional | Teen Ink


May 28, 2014
By Anonymous

Soccer is not just a sport played in the fall and spring

With people that just like to kick a ball around

It's for people that really do find it their thing

With screaming in the stadium with the sound of cleats scraping the ground

Bright lights shined on the players with the loud whistle blowing

The nights wind blowing throughout the stadium hard

Some days it's raining, some days it's clear, and some days it's snowing

So if you really love the game go grab a ball and strap on that last shin guard

Don't sit there and wonder what that feeling is like

Being in professional is everyone's dream

No one said getting to that level is as easy as riding a bike

But if you put in the work you could be on that team

The whole world is waiting for a player to make it big and that could be you

Just remember others are out there wanting what you want too

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