Carmine Red and Prussian Blue | Teen Ink

Carmine Red and Prussian Blue

August 18, 2014
By MilitzaNoelle BRONZE, Toronto, Other
MilitzaNoelle BRONZE, Toronto, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Early Morning silence as the sun rises
dead eyes, shaking arms and a deconstructed sharpener
the moment before the clothes create disguises
creaky floorboards, running faucets, and coffee on the burner

Slip on your robe, crush the alcohol sting
cold spoons on eyelids, gloss over decay
a delicate damaged little thing
a shell, a hole, squirrell on the freeway

hundreds of howling voices, societies a b****
focus on happy, safe. neigh, focus on control
baby steps, weightless steps. one stitch
vain young lady, sit, paw, roll

the sun rises every morning
bringing a crippling gaze, the devil’s warning

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