An Orange Day | Teen Ink

An Orange Day

November 3, 2014
By NoelleSabatino SILVER, Lake Hopatcong, New Jersey
NoelleSabatino SILVER, Lake Hopatcong, New Jersey
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

An orange summers day is bright and warm
I play around enjoying the bright sun
The flowers dance among the bees that swarm
We lay upon the grass to unravel and run

The animals that prance amidst the wind
Sway among the blowing wind filled trees
Fueled by gorgeous weather, deer unwind
Songlike birds sing with outstanding schemes

Blue tides skim over blazing dull tan sand
Seasalt sour whips through the freezing air
We rock to rolling waves close to the land
Multicolored animals hover round

I hold much passion for magnificent green nature
Oh joy come with me for this beautiful creature 

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