Distant By The Shore | Teen Ink

Distant By The Shore

March 31, 2015
By Kamil Kuzminski SILVER, New York, New York
Kamil Kuzminski SILVER, New York, New York
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

After Sandy, my house had been ruined.
Windows broken like a young heart.
My sailboat planted here marooned.
Gliding across the waves is a pure art.
Upon the distance, I see a mansion.
Elusive as a phantom it shines bright.
Time now for aggressive expansion
Viewing the big, bright, blue sky, I drink sprite
Overarching encrusted balcony.
Peached toned roofs it seems so shy yet zealous.
The magnificent house for me perfect.
Will treat you as my new profound precious.
Found my optopia, this is a bliss.
Moving on, I will choose to reminisce.

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