Beginning of The End | Teen Ink

Beginning of The End

April 8, 2015
By hbalder BRONZE, Barrington, Illinois
hbalder BRONZE, Barrington, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You don’t know whether to smile or cry

When it is the beginning of the end
That time is near where you must say goodbye
It is time to say goodbye to your friend
Remember to cherish every second
Of the time left in your little hometown
Before the call of our futures beckons
Soon the summer and parties will die down
And there will be nothing left of this town
The dreaded goodbyes are finally here
And the leaves begin to change and turn brown
As everything begins to disappear
It has been one crazy ride everyone
It is sad to say our time here is done

The author's comments:

I was thinking about how things after high school are going to change and how I wish I could have gone back when I relazied that high school goes by in a blink of an eye.

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