A Day to Come | Teen Ink

A Day to Come

April 27, 2015
By soultrane BRONZE, Hilliard,fl, Florida
soultrane BRONZE, Hilliard,fl, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
i'm the Doctor

A bright star burned high in the sky above,

It's ray shines down on the ground which We live,

Happiness fills the day when it shines love,

What will today bring what will today have?


The sky does hold the mighty rays of sun,

In the dark this does hold small diamonds,

The songs it seems to fill us full of fun,

When the night comes around it goes silent.


The sun is hidden by a coming storm,

A flash of light ignite the darkened sky,

The world which we know does seem to transform,

The howling wind will out a mighty cry.


I fear the rain will drown us in its ways,

Until the very best of us do cave.

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