Wild Things | Teen Ink

Wild Things

September 4, 2015
By too-normal-to-function GOLD, Natick, Massachusetts
too-normal-to-function GOLD, Natick, Massachusetts
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

'Twas only when I called upon the sun
That heaven gifted me with the blue moon.
Immortal night hued violet had begun,
The gentle breeze singing a haunting tune.
While beasts of land slept safely on the ground
The nightly flowers bloomed into their own.
Besides the wind there was no other sound,
No chirp nor howl nor roar nor screech nor moan.
The eerie silence plagued my wishful ears,
But through moonlight I had the chance to see
The creatures that had lived a thousand years
Curious and coming close to me.
I've found that I have no need for the day,
For night is when the wild things come to play.

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