Obsession | Teen Ink


September 4, 2015
By too-normal-to-function GOLD, Natick, Massachusetts
too-normal-to-function GOLD, Natick, Massachusetts
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

While walking on the ocean's sandy floor,

I saw an oyster buried in the deep.

I pried it open and there was a door

leading to the things I wished to keep.

A beauty bathed in black and darkness cloaked

glided towards my sullen, sinking form.

Her glinting eyes and pouting lips provoked

the ocean to engage in frenzied storm.

She smiled as the ocean swept me to

the barren shore from which my soul had come.

God's holy tears cleansed me through and through,

and I had no choice but to succumb.

I have no need for ocean's hidden treasure,

for earth is where I find my true pleasure.

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