The Clothes Make the Man | Teen Ink

The Clothes Make the Man

September 5, 2015
By JBimrose16 BRONZE, TEMPE, Arizona
JBimrose16 BRONZE, TEMPE, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"They don't think it be like it is, but it do" - Oscar Gamble

Fashion is more than art or style,
It’s about turning your insides out,
So that people can know what you’re all about.
But the industry’s secret is disturbing and vile,
That the brands have been doing for quite a while,
All the less money we spend on clothes,
Is taken from the paychecks of those,
Who are forced by the brands’ cunning and wile,
To make as much in a month what we make in a day,
And in awful conditions work to the bone.
In order to keep other countries at bay.
Political minds made the free trade zone,
To attract US companies to the area they say,
But the true motive of greed is well known.

Then how can we fight this, what is the plan?
Don’t think clothes more important than your fellow man.

The author's comments:

This piece was mainly inspired by my trip to El Salvador over the summer with the school. I learned much about the history of El Salvador leading up to and during the civil war, the oppression of the poor and great wealth inequality that riddles the country today, and many other things about solidarity and the martyrs of the civil war. I wrote a ten page dissertation regarding the impact of CAFTA-DR on El Salvador and the rest of Central America, and I think this poem elegantly summarizes what I back up with evidence in that paper. My experience in El Salvador was moving and potentially life changing. I had a taste of how most people in the world live, outside the bubble of the United States that we are constantly surrounded by. It shattered my preconceptions and allowed me to truly open my mind, heart and soul. As Archbishon Oscar Romero once said, "There are many things that can only be seen through eyes that have cried."

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