School | Teen Ink


February 15, 2016
By glittergirl7312 BRONZE, Grahmsville, New York
glittergirl7312 BRONZE, Grahmsville, New York
3 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you can't see just open your eyes

I do not like school

It goes on till night

It just isn't cool

Sometimes it gives me a fright


I go to lunch

I want some candy

Ooh I found a Crunch®

Then turn to talk to my best friend Mandy


After lunch I go to library

I check out a book

It says that some foods are hairy

From that I will learn how to cook


As I roam through the halls 

All i see is the bully

Punching the kid by my locker

I try but I can't help him fully

But then I watch him fall

And run as fast as I can for help


I do not like school

It just is not cool.

The author's comments:

I came up with this article in class. Is should've been listening to the teacher but all I could think about was how much I due want to be there and that's how I got this inspiration.

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