A Mass Genocide | Teen Ink

A Mass Genocide

May 19, 2016
By sarahtaylor BRONZE, Newberry, Florida
sarahtaylor BRONZE, Newberry, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

1933. The year death began,
6 million innocent lives ripped and robbed.
Men, women, children forced to leave their land.
Long days, nights, hours, minutes they all sobbed.

People stripped of everything they had owned,
But were promised a working paradise.
To pass the time the "workers" moaned and groaned;
Tortured, burned, beaten, shot to terrorize.

Both dead and alive bodies set ablaze,
Unaware their fated death was in store.
Thrown into filthy cattle cars for days,
Not even Realizing that this is war.

Mass genocide of 1945,
The Holocaust where so few would survive.

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