Sonnets by teens on a variety of topics | Teen Ink


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North Canton, Ohio

Dear my love, Can you see me? Dear my love, Can you hear me? Dear my love, Can you feel me? Dear my love, Can you smell me? Dear my love, Can you taste me? Dear my...
KellyJeanH PLATINUM, North Canton, Ohio
20 articles 0 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
\"You think I\'m bipolar, sadistic, sarcastic, and psychotic. Unfortunately for you, everyone else thinks I\'m perfect.\"

By HaleyS. GOLD
Byram, Mississippi
HaleyS. GOLD, Byram, Mississippi
19 articles 0 photos 74 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you drown, at least die knowing you were headed for the shore.<br /> -Ray Bradbury

By Dominicano_Loco PLATINUM
Spotsylvania, Virginia
Dominicano_Loco PLATINUM, Spotsylvania, Virginia
40 articles 0 photos 31 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Live and learn, and when ya fall, Stand Strong and come back!&quot;/&quot;I&#039;m goin to regrett this 1 tomorrow.&quot;

By Lixxy_93 DIAMOND
Westminster, California
Lixxy_93 DIAMOND, Westminster, California
53 articles 0 photos 52 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;If you have them, flaunt them&quot; -Circle of Friends<br /> <br /> &quot;may the saddest day of the future be no worse then the happiest day of your past&quot; -irish blessing<br /> <br /> If male homosexuals are called &quot;gay,&quot; then female homosexuals should be called &quot;ecstatic.&quot;

sacagawea BRONZE, Denton, Texas
4 articles 10 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;People do not drift toward Holiness. Apart from grace-driven effort, people do not gravitate toward godliness, prayer, obedience to Scripture, faith, and delight in the Lord. We drift toward compromise and call it tolerance; we drift toward disobed

mau_ey BRONZE, Murray, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments
By Cesare GOLD
Sacramento, California
Cesare GOLD, Sacramento, California
16 articles 0 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
Do you know the only value life has is what life puts upon itself? And it is of course overestimated, since it is of necessity prejudiced in its own favor. [You] do not lose anything, for with the loss of yourself, you lose the knowledge of loss.

By Blanchemelech SILVER
Scottdale, Pennsylvania
Blanchemelech SILVER, Scottdale, Pennsylvania
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Sometimes you can&#039;t move forward until you turn around.

By Misbah BRONZE
Birmingham, Other
Misbah BRONZE, Birmingham, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments
By Rhiannon_4 DIAMOND
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Rhiannon_4 DIAMOND, Sioux Falls, South Dakota
62 articles 87 photos 200 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you chase two rabbits, you will lose them both. <br /> - Native American proverb<br /> <br /> Do not go gentle into that good night but rage, rage against the dying of the light.<br /> - Dylan Thomas<br /> <br /> What is past is past -- it is the present and the future that concern us.<br /> - Hiawatha, founder of the Iroquois Confederacy