Cross Country Actually Exists | Teen Ink

Cross Country Actually Exists

November 26, 2018
By phoenixofire287 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
phoenixofire287 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The writing titled “Cross Country Actually Exists,” written by Brooke B., talks about cross country and her writing has left me feeling in agreement. I agree one hundred percent with the author on this issue. Being a freshman this year, I thought the school would hear more about Noah Fisher, one of the best runners in the state! After hearing nothing about Noah, I thought he might not be doing so well. Next thing you know he’s at State and won! I can agree with the author who wrote, “Many sports get over looked the only sports you really hear about in the fall is football and volleyball” There was nothing about the other sports and those kids who spend hours mastering their craft just like other kids would. To me it’s not fair to the other sports and the kids that play them. I can say this issue, is not school or state issue, but it’s a country issue that should be addressed so all kids get the attention they deserve.

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