Rent | Teen Ink


May 20, 2019
By ddelgado BRONZE, Park Ridge, Illinois
ddelgado BRONZE, Park Ridge, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This past weekend I went to go see the musical “rent” I had a lot of mixed on the musical. The beginning of the musical was very good the main character named Mark.

Throughout the musical it became confusing by so many things happening at once there would be a conversation between one of the couple and then another couple would start talking about a whole completely different thing. I didn’t exactly get what's happening throughout the musical. It had a lot of things going on at once. I thought it was good to show once I got the hang of what was going on. All their voices were very loud and good. I thought they were a great singer and my favorite song was probably “ glory “ which mark did sing. A huge part of the musical was the romance and the profanity was a huge part of the musical. They did swear a lot and they showed some revealing things throughout the musical. From what I saw was new is that a drag queen sort of transgender role. This musical has been running for 20 years after a brief pause in 2008. In the original music, I would think there isn’t that type of roll and I thought it was nice to incorporate that in the musical. It is the 21 century and people were screaming once he came out. The energy was amazing and felt like everyone was welcomed except some people who weren’t so fond of that sort of thing which people shouldn’t feel uncomfortable for being themselves. Angel was unfortunately died he got sick and was the transgender one so he was only in it for a little bit. Mimi another chapter almost dies and comes back with her lover. Through all these things that have happened, I thought this is a musical to see if you like romance and a lot of drama.

The author's comments:

I thought that this was a great show to watch as a teen and I encourage other teens to go and watch it as well. 

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