Cake Boss | Teen Ink

Cake Boss

January 14, 2013
By Anonymous

My cousins and I were walking down the streets of New Jersey in search of the famous Carlo's Bakery. We finally got close enough to smell the delicious scent of all their pastries. We walked in the doors and all I could see were vibrant colors of all the different sweet treats. We bought 10 cookies, 24 cupcakes, 2 lobster tails, 4 cannolis, and a small cake. As soon as I put the pink frosted cookie in my mouth, it melted. I could taste the vanilla frosting and the rich sugar cookie every single bite. I have never tasted something so delicious in my life. The lobster tails were filled with a delicious cream that I wanted to taste for the rest of my life. Then we took out the cupcakes. The first one I chose to eat was the reese's peanut butter one. I took a big bite and my mouth was filled with a delicious chocolate cake and peanut butter frosting. The cupcake was so rich I couldn't finish it in one sitting. My cousin made me try her cannoli that I was hesitant on trying. I took a small bite, and I loved it. It was delicious. Till this day I will never understand how Buddy the cake boss can make such scrumptious sweets.

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