I Am Homeless | Teen Ink

I Am Homeless

November 14, 2013
By Kkern22 SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
Kkern22 SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the November 2013 issue of Teen Ink, Amber Warrick’s article, “I Am Homeless,” was a very saddening story of her family’s foreclosed home. This situation is nothing new to the world in current times. Recently, many people have been foreclosed on and loose their jobs because of a struggling economy. It is actually very sad to drive by a house and see a foreclosed sign in the yard. It is almost like they are trying to embarrass the family that once lived there. I always think that a family used to live there. It’s a place possibly where many memories are created, but a cruel monster, the corporate world, took it away drastically and harshly. It’s wrong for a bank to take these memories away from families. The world has become a sad place in my opinion. This should never happen, but greed and fortune cloud the minds of most people. Their inner human is held deep within and hardly ever used. Maybe one day humanity will be at its’ prime, but today, it’s far from it.

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