The Unmitigated Inanity of Cyber Monday | Teen Ink

The Unmitigated Inanity of Cyber Monday

December 11, 2013
By DanielVetter14 BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
DanielVetter14 BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Every year, we give thanks for what we have: family, friends, shelter, etc. So why is it that the greediest time of our country is literally the same night? Camping at stores and attacking people just to get what we could get any other day, but thirty percent off. After the madness, Will Oremus explains an even worse holiday that had sprouted when online shopping started to become popular.
In the article, “The Unmitigated Inanity of Cyber Monday”, Will Oremus tells of how the holiday Cyber Monday, is the dumbest fake holiday of the year, and how we should get rid of it. In the beginning, Oremus states “Now, on our first day back at work after stuffing our faces and unstuffing our wallets, we're supposed to "log on" for yet more unbelievable, never-to-be-seen-again markdowns on the hottest remaining items of the holiday season. Humbug.” This brings a great point as to how our society needs a new outlook on what is really important in life.
The amount of time people spend wasting their money on products that are “cheaper” are really being scammed into buying more just because it’s cheap. The creation of Cyber Monday is just another marketing trick to keep those too lazy to get up and buy what they want. Oremus speaks of Cyber Monday and how it is “out of date as the moniker itself.” The type of advertisement used was just to make the consumers feel like they’ll miss out on all the great deals and to buy right now.
The worst part of this situation is that the consumers fall for it every time. Buying things that are unnecessary, “but hey, it’s on sale!” is it really worth it? No, the public needs to learn what is really important, and not waste their time on the computer when they could be with their family. “It’s time for the public to retake the helm and steer this marketing monstrosity back where it came from.”

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