Burt's Bees Acne Solutions: An End to Acne | Teen Ink

Burt's Bees Acne Solutions: An End to Acne

January 27, 2014
By Dana.D SILVER, Mississauga, Other
Dana.D SILVER, Mississauga, Other
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Bees are known to make honey, and apparently now they make an Acne face wash. The growing eco-friendly and organic company, Burt's Bees, has introduced a new line of Acne solutions products, that vary from a spot treatment to a scrubbing cream. All of these products are made from the best natural ingredients and do not have any man-made chemical in them whatsoever. This brand has been getting more attention lately as many consumers have started to switch from chemically-based products to eco-friendly and organic products, such as the Burt's Bees line.

I tested Burt's Bees for an entire month before coming to a conclusion on its positives and negatives. In this review, I will discuss this product's price versus its worth, the smell, texture and packaging of the product, and its overall effectiveness. I will also compare it to the many well known Acne Solution brands in the industry.

To start things off, I just want to say that I have fair, sensitive skin with mild acne. The bottle costs about $18.00 at any drug store or Wal-Mart in your neighbourhood, but I got it for $14.00 on sale from Shoppers Drug Mart, which is relatively cheap for a cleanser. Especially one that actually does what it claims to do. The bottle has a total of 145 ml of product in it which can last up to 6 months if used twice a day. Paying $36.00 a year for a face wash that actually works is a total lifesaver, because now I have more money in my pocket and less pimples on my face. This product has a light yellow colour to it which makes it look kind of medicinal. It smells better than most Acne cleansers, but still has a whiff of cough syrup.
Now for the packaging, I personally did not like the packaging whatsoever, because the cap leaks frequently. When you pour the product, too much spills out, which may be because the product is too liquidy, which can get really messy and annoying. This could have totally been avoided by using a pump instead of the cheap looking cap.

Burt's Bees claim that their face wash clears up and prevents acne. My results indicate that after the first week, there was a significant difference in the size of my pores and the softness of my skin. Unlike Clean and Clear Morning Burst and Proactive, it does not dry up the skin whatsoever. It's main Con, is that it does not remove white heads and blackheads, so you will still need a face scrub for that. But then again, by the end of the month, my blemishes decreased dramatically, which was exactly what I wanted.

Thus far, I am really enjoying this product, mostly because it is organic and it does not have any chemical ingredients in it. So if you can relate to me in any way, I really recommend trying this face wash out, because it brought me great results and I truly hope that it can do the same for you.

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