The Alchemist By Paul Coelho | Teen Ink

The Alchemist By Paul Coelho

August 14, 2018
By CMBARI01 BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
CMBARI01 BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
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Favorite Quote:
"Why fit in when you were born to stand out," - Dr. Suess

One could believe that any book made to be read for a school assignment is meant to be like a chore over the summer. A book that is read in June will be forgotten by September and have no purpose whatsoever on the student’s life. However, After reading the Alchemist any reader could beg to differ.

The Alchemist by Paul Coelho mixes the ideas of war, travel, romance, a search for treasure, and meaningful theme into one perfect sandstorm. This book is one that can have endless possibilities into how it can change a young person's mind all they have to do is read.

The Alchemist opens with a young boy, who is never given a name, and his sheep. This boy is a shepherd. It is quickly revealed that the boy’s parents did not want him to become a shepherd they wanted him to become a priest. The boy though wanted more value in his life. He wanted to learn through living rather than being taught what he could learn on his own.

The story of his Journey begins when he is set to reach a town where a young girl he admires lives. He has everything planned out. He will go into this town, like he did the year before, and have his sheep sheared. The wool is bought by the girl’s daughter and while he is there he will pursue her in hopes of true love.

On his way to the town, the boy goes to have his fortune told by a gypsy woman. He wants to know where his future lies with the girl and his life being a shepherd. The answer the woman gives, though not what he wanted, puzzles and intrigues the boy. She tells him to go to the pyramids in Egypt where he will find his treasure. He believes this is just an old gypsy scheme but when she tells him to give her part of his treasure he is even more convinced of this fortune.


Through the story, the boy meets an old king, a crystal merchant, an Englishman, and finally the alchemist. And through his time with them, he is even more convinced to pursue his treasure and through that journey find his “personal legend”.All in a different way teach him that he will only find his strengths when he chooses to live his life to the fullest, even if he leaves behind the ones he loves.

There are times when the boy is seen almost hopeless, whether that be when he is robbed, beaten, or in danger for his life. It takes him time but he begins to realize that he will never get to his treasure or “Personal legend” without the skill of Brute Persistence and ability to keep going.  These instances can thrill teens at times to the edge of their seats. In these moments one can also learn that there will be times when they feel as if they have hit rock bottom and there is only worth in going back. But they will see that the top can only be achieved by taking risks and continuing to press on through intense situations.

Reading The Alchemist gave me a new perspective on my own life and how to live it. Sometimes I want to see results at the moment and not wait. The Alchemist though, made me realize that it may take years to achieve one’s goals but it will take even longer if I give up. The boy, at many times, wants to give up and return to his old life. He soon realizes that he can’t do that, his treasure and legend are too valuable. I now see how work pays off, through one’s own brute persistence and will to carry on. Only then will we find our true treasure and our own Personal Legends.

The author's comments:

I was skeptical of how I would want to read this book over my summer but now believe that this is a must read for all teens in search of their life's purpose.


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