The Sun and Her Flowers by Rupi Kaur | Teen Ink

The Sun and Her Flowers by Rupi Kaur

September 29, 2018
By kaitokid GOLD, Iloilo, Other
kaitokid GOLD, Iloilo, Other
13 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Rupi Kaur’s second book The Sun and Her Flowers is a profound and powerful poetry collection about love, self-worth, migration, sexual issues and femininity. After her bestselling Milk and Honey, the poetess once again showcases her beautiful brilliance in the literary world, especially that she’s tackling delicate topics of the society.

The book is divided into five chapters: wilting, falling, rooting, rising and blooming. In every chapter, Kaur triumphs to deliver her consistent creativity customized in a clever choice of words and stellar style in writing. She exhibits her mastered technique of when to coat honey in her poems or when to solidify them in steel. She naturally comes soft or bold to justify the poetry she expresses. Her use of no punctuation is so admirable that it highlights her own literary prowess. The brevity in some of her poems is also a smart move to balance with those with longer verses. Accompanied with her own illustrations, it is a fact that most of her poetry in the book embodies high degree of quality and depth at the same time.

Once you start to flip the pages, you would definitely want to finish the book in one sitting. There is this positive energy enveloping in Kaur’s poetry. No wonder she has captivated a massive audience all around the world. If you loved her first book, you’d absolutely fall in love too with The Sun and Her Flowers. Moreover, if you’re finding something that radiates inspiration, courage and a push to move forward, this book is for you.


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