Moth to a Flame | Teen Ink

Moth to a Flame

January 25, 2019
By Villiami SILVER, Sacramento, California
Villiami SILVER, Sacramento, California
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"stars cant shine without darkness"

Moth to a flame is a book that will make you question reality and put your mind to a suspense in what wealth people call “the hood”. Once you start reading you will not stop I promise you, the book will have you building puzzles and have many mysterious in your mind to make you want to read more or to figure out what's next.

Moth to a flame is about a teenage hood rich diva thats a daughter to a big time drug dealer in Flint, Michigan and everyone wants a piece of his daughter … Raven. Raven is around the age of 18 who had lost her mother and her father all because of herself. Why is that exactly you would have to read it for yourself. Raven meets a boy a couple years older than her named Mizan another upcoming drug dealer … well at least because of Ravens help. Raven had gotten pregnant by Mizan many times but, couldn't have birth to any of his kids why? You MUST read the book to know about it. Raven seemed so incident but, deep down a whole nother story … in the book Moth to a flame.

At a deeper level, Ashley Antoinette book explores the issues and consequences of drug dealing and the problems following behind them, addictions, beatings, deaths, revenge. The book is very bright then dark because Raven’s life is going very good she's rich everyone wants her until she chooses the wrong boy. Mizan is the one to blame, she allowed the demon to her home. The darkness is what everyone is into they want more will there ever be a bright side anymore into this book. These stories connect to real worldwide things going on right now.

I recommend this to teenagers and older because the book connects to those two ages, the parents that ever witness these things, the teengers that ever been through these things. You won't regret reading Moth to a Flame, you'll love it. There is always a dark side to every light.
Villiami Liu

The author's comments:

This book reveiw is about a female daughter to a top drug dealer then everything falls aprt because of his daughter.


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