This is the Day, by Tim Tebow | Teen Ink

This is the Day, by Tim Tebow

February 2, 2019
By tylervandyk BRONZE, Ripon, California
tylervandyk BRONZE, Ripon, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Tim Tebow is a great athlete known for his faith in his religion as well as his athletic abilities.  He recently switched over from playing football in the National Football League, to trying to make a Major League Baseball roster.  He wrote a book specifically on the occurrences of the change in his sports, and his life. He explained himself very well throughout the book, an almost continuous conversation with him.  Throughout the story, Tebow constantly reiterated one thing, today is the day. This basis is inspired from his mother, who woke him and his siblings up in the morning by reciting Psalms 118:4, “This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.”  These words were very inspiring to me. Tebow really helped me understand how much of a blessing it is to have a healthy, fully functional life.  He brought up stories of people having disabilities and fighting through them, and it really helped me understand why we need to rejoice our Lord for how much we have.  We have the ability to wake up, eat breakfast, put our shoes on, and put forth our best effort to be the best person we can be. Some of us may strive to be professional athletes, doctors, or lawyers.  Others; however, strive to be the best person they can be, every single day, and they won’t stop until they do so. Tebow and everyone else knows that no one is perfect, only God is. We can try to be though.  We can try and strive to be more and more like our creator. We can’t speak to Him in person, but we can thank Him with the hard work and effort of being faithful to Him. We may never get to become the person we want to be, we may never save a life, or win a case, or make the roster, but we can try.  This is the biggest takeaway I have from this read. One may never achieve their goals, but if we can get up every day and thank the Lord for the wonderful opportunities that He has given us, and give those opportunities full effort, then we can walk away with a smile on our face, knowing that He is happy that we became closer to the person we wanted to be.


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