For a Lady I Know by Countee Cullen | Teen Ink

For a Lady I Know by Countee Cullen

April 16, 2009
By Elizabeth McDermott BRONZE, Norcross, Georgia
Elizabeth McDermott BRONZE, Norcross, Georgia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Although it is very short, I really liked the poem, “For a Lady I Know”, by Countee Cullen. The poem is talking about how a high-class woman thinks that, even in Heaven, there will be servants. She thinks that she can sleep late, relax, and do whatever she wants while an African-American is there to get up early and wait on her. It is obvious that this woman believes Heaven will be exactly like Earth, at least in that aspect. Her view could even be considered somewhat childish. Also, the author seems to be making fun of this woman for what she believes and maybe wants to get her attention in order to change her beliefs.

From a Christian perspective, I think this poem is funny. I know that this is not what Heaven will be like because God created all men to be equal. He did not create different races for one to be lower and serve the others. Also, Heaven is perfect and without sin; therefore, there cannot be servants in Heaven because that would not be a perfect world for them. I think this poem does a good job of showing the ignorance that we, as humans, can have and the sometimes crazy ideas that we believe.


This article has 1 comment.

harliquinzle said...
on Jan. 10 2011 at 11:58 pm
this poem reflects the ignorance and superiority complex of the time