The Golden Compass | Teen Ink

The Golden Compass

April 8, 2019
By cduncan BRONZE, San Diego, California
cduncan BRONZE, San Diego, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 The Golden Compass is about a girl named Lyra that’s trying to make a difference and explore the north where it is cold. It is a fantasy book. I enjoyed the book because it wasn’t just one girl doing one adventure for the whole book, after she was finished solving a problem she caused another problem but she solved it again but it came with consequences to her actions. So I think you should read this book because It is interesting and amazing to read. So I think this book is worth reading because it’s enjoyable and fun.

Lyra is very smart and she cares about people and she is also sneaky with trickery. She had a father named Lord Asriel and she has "friends" named Roger, Lorek Byrnison and more but I will leave that up to you to find out. There is a battle to the death with who? You ask me, Just go read the book it's amazing. She was being sneaky and as the book goes on you know there is snow everywhere so you know where the setting is. Also they described everything that happens in the book really well so you can imagine it in your head while you're reading. I enjoyed the plot because how cool it was and what she was doing in the beginning of the book.  Finally I liked how many adventures and things that Lyra would do they didn't just stick on one think the whole book It was a lot of stories in one and I liked how Lyra did things really sneaky and it was in secret.

I want to say that although the book is amazing and awesome there is some graphical scenes. So I love this book and how they explain things in very good detail and although that’s good sometimes it's not necessary and it just grosses you out a little bit sometimes. But that only happens like two or three times in the book so when the graphical senses comes don't get grossed out keep reading. So if you read this book and you get to that part you can just skip like four or five pages but overall the book Is good and I like it and I hope you will too.

In conclusion, I think this book is really well wrote and well described. I think Philip Pullman did a great job making really good details and making Lyra such a strong character and others were really strong too. I liked how they made a "pet" called a daemon and it basically follows you around and has abilities like Pan always talked to Lyra when she needed it. So overall I really think you should consider reading the book and this is just book 1 there's way more. So if you get interested you can read more of Mr. Pullman's books and also there is a movie about this book I don’t know if its PG 13 or whatever but it’s a real life movie with real people. I don't know if it has really gross scenes or not  in it but if it looks find and its suitable for your age then you should read this book then watch the movie. So I think you should read this book if you are into fantasy like "magic" or whatever but if not try out the book see the back cover of the page and read the introduction see if you like it. Or read like 10 pages and if you start liking the book keep reading it is really good. So read this book if you love fantasy or just started or if you don’t know what fantasy is read this book it is an amazing example of fantasy and overall an interesting book.

The author's comments:

Im in 6th grade I live in San Diego Califorina. My Name Is Ahmed Abdelrahman And I got to a school called Lewis Middle School and I am 12


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