Thirty Seconds over Tokyo Captain by Captain Ted W. Lawson | Teen Ink

Thirty Seconds over Tokyo Captain by Captain Ted W. Lawson

May 15, 2009
By Anonymous

Book title and author: Thirty Seconds over Tokyo Captain Ted W. Lawson
Title of review: Bombing of Tokyo
Number of stars (1 to 5): 4 stars

The book Thirty Seconds over Tokyo is about the legendary Doolittle Raid. The Tuscan Raiders was the brave group of men who flew the mission. The audience of this book would be World War historians. The purpose of this book was to tell people of the raid over Tokyo.

Description and summary of main points

In the book you follow the men through training and the attack on Tokyo. I learned of the vigorous training of the men, who had to take off a bomber plane on an aircraft carrier. You realize that the people sacrificed all for freedom.

The theme of the book was never give up; always keep pushing yourself like the men in the Tuscan Raiders never gave up. The book was a little confusing, like when they would be giving the stories they used to much names. I also felt that the book was slow until the last two to three chapters then the book was hard to keep up with.

My conclusion of the book was that the book was good not great, a little confusing with the names. I was not a fan of how the book ended. I wish that there would've been more detail then there was at the end. Don't get me wrong I still liked the book.
Your final review

I would recommend the book to people over the age of thirteen, and that like history because of how much you learn in this book. I would use fewer names, and go slower with more detail at the end of the book. I would give the book four out of five stars.


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