The Magician's Nephew Book Review | Teen Ink

The Magician's Nephew Book Review

May 29, 2009
By Anonymous

I read the book The Magician’s Nephew by C.S. Lewis. This book was published in 1955 by Scholastic Inc. C.S. Lewis wrote this book in the style of fantasy fiction. I found the book interesting in a good way. An example of why it was interesting was idea of going to different worlds through ponds. It was a cool thought but weird. I never really thought about reading fantasy books before because I always imagined freaky fairies and unicorns. I was surprised to find that this book was not like that.

The book The Magician’s Nephew is about Digory and Polly’s adventures to new worlds. It starts in London where Digory and Polly search the attic of Digory’s house. There, Uncle Andrew tricks Polly into putting on a ring that brings her to another world. Of course Digory decides he must go try to save Polly. There they realize that there are many other worlds to enter. When they put on the ring they are transported to a woods with many ponds that when jumped into lead you to a different world. The two go to Charn an old world. They find a queen in Charn, who they brought back to life, and bring her back to London where she causes chaos. Digory and Polly try bringing the queen back to Charn, but instead they go to the world of Narnia with Uncle Andrew and the Cabby with his horse. A part I liked was when in Charn, Digory and Polly entered a room filled with wax people. In the same room, Digory rings a bell which causes the queen who was a wax person to come to life again.

In my opinion, The Magician’s Nephew is a decent book, because it has strange, unexpected points. I guess the book would be worth reading again. I just wished they would be clearer with stating where they were. In Narnia they didn’t really say exactly where everyone was and who they were with. It did start out slow and then it started to get good at chapter four because at first it was boring. The descriptions in the book are something I feel made the book good. An example of a description would be how they said the sun in Narnia was young because of its bright color and that it appeared to be full of joy. Another example would be the different ways they described the wax people. Such as, “Both the men and women looked kind and wise, and they seemed of a handsome race.” It was said about the figures’ faces. A strange unexpected point would be when the talking animals trapped Uncle Andrew in a cage. Also I was not expecting that they would go to different worlds because they were wearing rings. Some of the language the people use is kind of confusing to follow. It was mainly the Cabby saying things like “Gawdy” I have no idea what that means.

In all, the book was a good read. If you give it a chance like I did, I’m guessing you will like it. You may even read the sequels. I know I will.


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