Emma: Class Distinctions | Teen Ink

Emma: Class Distinctions

February 17, 2022
By FeLiX_yU SILVER, Irvine, California
FeLiX_yU SILVER, Irvine, California
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Social status and class distinctions is clearly one of themes of the novel Emma. Everyone in the book is ruled and restricted by their social class such as knowing art, clothing, social events, and ultimately marriage. The importance of social class is demonstrated by the actions and interactions between characters. There are times where class status is abused and taken as granted as Emma humiliates Miss Bates. As horrible as class status is, these class distinctions make people clear of who they are and what their place is to not overstep bounds. 

    As people in higher social class are expected to learn good manners and etiquette, people in the lower class are not expected to do so. Emma knows how wealthy and high social class her family is and therefore disrespect and not interact with people lower social class than her. When Miss Taylor leaves, Emma is left with girls lower social class than her whom she doesn't interact with because of their social class. When Emma is forced to interact with people lower social class than her, she treats them with disrespect. As she openly humiliates Miss Bates and doesn't see what is wrong with it considering she is high class.

    People in high social class also have bad views of people in lower social class. Harriet’s love is to Martin who is a lower social class to both Emma and Harriet. Emma, with her high social class, as a friend of Harriet thinks that Harriet should not marry Martin because of his low social class. However, as Martin has a lower social class compared to Emma and Harriet, he is very rich. Harriet on the other hand, has no real fortune so therefore Martin is a good catch according to Mr. Knightly. However, Emma sticking to her view that social class matters, doesn’t think Martin is a good match and that Harriet who marries Martin would be degradation. 

    In the end, I think the novel wants to convey that social class confines people in their own class. The social class is good that it places people with who they are and what place they have. The higher the social class of the person, the less mistakes they are allowed to make as social class confines and restrict movements of people. 


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