Twins by Varian Johnson | Teen Ink

Twins by Varian Johnson MAG

November 4, 2022
By AthenatheGoddess PLATINUM, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
AthenatheGoddess PLATINUM, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
38 articles 0 photos 20 comments

Favorite Quote:
Look, I didn't want to be a halfblood."

In your lifetime, you have probably met twins. They could be two girls, two boys, or maybe even a boy and a girl. Whether or not they are the same gender, they probably are two totally different people. In Twins, that is exactly how these siblings are. Starting middle school, they face a lot of problems, including both of them running for student council president. Who will win and who will be the less popular sister?

This graphic novel was pretty good. I read it in a couple of hours, and I read it twice! Occasionally, I got bored with all the fights, which isn’t like real siblings. I have two brothers and we are incredibly close, and an hour after we fight, we always end up hanging out again. On the other hand, I love how different the two girls are; one twin is extroverted and the other one is more reserved.

Between all of the friend breakups, my favorite character is Maurine — the more introverted twin. She is the most relatable character, especially to me. I have been in middle school for three years and I still spend most of my time in the library. Though running against her sister was a little mistake, I respected her decision of stepping out of her comfort zone.

On a scale of one to 10, this comic was probably an eight. I did not predict the ending at all and I loved all of the characters. Personally, I would have liked it if the brother was more protective. All he did was pretend, but his character would have been so much better if he truly was protective and gave more support to Maurine.

If you want a quick book to read, I highly recommend Twins. It is hilarious and has small mysteries. All of the characters are well written and the illustrations are immaculate. So what are you waiting for? Go read it!


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