Tomorrow, Tomorrow and Tomorrow | Teen Ink

Tomorrow, Tomorrow and Tomorrow

December 31, 2023
By marjoarend BRONZE, Nova Petropolis, Other
marjoarend BRONZE, Nova Petropolis, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

"Tomorrow, Tomorrow and Tomorrow" is a story about friendship, love, and most important, video games.

When I started reading this book I was afraid I wouldn't understand it, since it's a story about games and topics I'm not entirely familiar with. However, I was amazed at how the author managed to write this work in such a way that not knowing anything about the subject did not become an obstacle.

I felt completely attached to the characters and I thought it was spectacular how they were written with so much care and affection. Each of the protagonists has their flaws and qualities, and it is clear how the author knew how to develop each one.

I fell in love with the characters' relationship and how it's not what we expect in a romance. There are few readings in which we perceive characters so human and genuine that really love each other unconditionally. I felt like I'd known them my whole life!

The last chapters were full of surprises and I was enchanted by the author's mind. I don't think I've ever been as moved by a book as I was by "Tomorrow, Tomorrow and Tomorrow".

Every page and sentence of this work is beautiful and intelligent. It's a story that changed my perception of friendship and love. I feel like it's the kind of book that stays with you for a long time. 

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